Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Awesome Things


Which means it is time to party, but before we can get to that we need to talk about last weeks features. Randi's Pick- funny dancing eggs! These are ridiculously easy and I bet they provide hours of entertainment for kids (and adults). They remind me of the weebles, and now the weebles ditty will be stuck in my head ALL day! *Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down!*
Frog in a pocket: Funny Dancing Eggs
Krystal's Pick- applesauce monster cookies! I love when a bad recipe goes good, and this one is at the top of my list. By adding applesauce into her cookie recipe she is making the world's softest cookies. Swirl in oats, peanut butter, chocolate AND m & m's and how can it be a miss!
Applesauce Monster Cookies with SimplyGloria.com ‪#‎cookies‬
Victoria's Pick - healthy Easter treat! I love to pretend I'm eating healthy and by layering greek yogurt and whipped cream it's even easier! I think I could convince all three of my kids that this was a dessert food before adding the Peep on top, but with that one there it's a no brainer! What a fun spin on a traditional parfait!
Healthy Easter Treat
Ashley's Pick- chocolate mousse cake! I'm not gluten free, but if it means I can eat things that look as good as this I will pretend to be! This luscious chocolate mousse on top of a hazelnut crust has me wishing I wasn't trying to lost a few extra pounds before swimsuit season!
Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Cake on Crust - Gluten Free
Be Sure To Follow your hosts on this adventure ;)

Randi Sowders - Sowdering About in Seattle / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter

Ashley Emmett - My Craftily Ever After / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter

Victoria Schilke - My Little Birds / Facebook / Pinterest

Krystal McGarvey - My Life of Travels and Adventures / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter

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